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The Urban Renewal Act is about ensuring that urban residents no longer have to live in substandard conditions. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Who wins in urban renewal? — Syerleena Abdul Rashid

The International Criminal Court building is seen in The Hague, Netherlands, January 16, 2019. — Reuters pic

Statement concerning US sanctions against the International Criminal Court — Commonwealth Lawyers Association

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s timeless 1943 classic, ‘The Little Prince’, holds an earnest truth for our fast-paced lives — to look beyond the surface to find what truly matters. — AFP pic

Life is in the little moments — Nahrizul Adib Kadri

DAP veteran Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang celebrates his 84th birthday with family, friends, and supporters at a dinner event in Kuala Lumpur on February 19, 2025. — Picture By Raymond Manuel

The 3 Pillars Of Lim Kit Siang — Lim Guan Eng

Demonstrators gather in front of Malaysia’s Parliament House in Kuala Lumpur to protest against Sosma, which allows for prolonged detention without trial, as against fundamental human rights. — File picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Sosma’s review should be focused on provisions that need improvement and which shouldn’t be further delayed — Hafiz Hassan

Karpal Singh was charged with an offence of sedition in 2002. — Picture by Siow Feng Saw

Will Perikatan MPs’ bid to have their lawyers hold a watching brief in Najib’s judicial review over house arrest succeed? — Hafiz Hassan

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim recently visited the PPR Lembah Subang-1. — Picture courtesy of Think City

The missing ingredient in public housing reform — Shahridan Faiez

Countries that lag in adopting and innovating AI in their industries risk losing global market competitiveness. — Pic by Reuters

What AI risks concern Malaysia? — Rachel Gong and Khoo Wei Yang

During its chairmanship this year, Malaysia will host approximately 323 annual Asean meetings, including the Asean Summit. — Unsplash pic

Asean chairmanship will drive our economic growth, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability — Cheah Chan Fatt

A protester waves a Palestinian flag in front of the US Embassy during a Pro-Palestinian march in central London, on February 15, 2025, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. — AFP pic

The theatre of solidarity: A game of thrones in the Arab world — Che Ran 

File picture: Penang state government is in the process of forming a special committee to look into the welfare of homeless individuals in the state. — Picture by Farhan Najib

Shelter in the storm — Noralina Omar

A demonstrator holds up a placard denouncing Sosma in front of Parliament on October 23, 2018. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Cross fingers that home minister will explain long-delayed review of Sosma — Hafiz Hassan

Illustration picture shows tokens of the virtual currency Bitcoin being placed on a monitor that displays binary digits, December 8, 2017. - Reuters pic

Regulating cryptocurrency for security and sustainability — Lee Wai Guan, Dr Mohd Istajib Mokhtar

It’s the little acts of kindness — a smile, a thoughtful text, a simple ‘How was your day?’ — that stay with us the longest. — Unsplash pic

Love is a verb — Nahrizul Adib Kadri 

Najib’s lead defence lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said the action for contempt of court would be filed against Terrirudin by today or tomorrow at the latest. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

Who is, or will be, in contempt of court? — Hafiz Hassan

DeepSeek’s low-cost model addresses one of the most significant barriers to AI adoption in South-east Asia: affordability. — Reuters pic

DeepSeek: A catalyst for South-east Asia’s AI ambitions — Neil Foo

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