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Theoretically, such bans are believed to deter youth initiation into smoking, particularly where illicit markets are absent. — Picture by Farhan Najib

Will tobacco display ban work? — Muthusamy Muniandy

The original Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994 (OSHA 1994), is the primary law governing occupational safety and health in Malaysia. — Picture by Farhan Najib

Finally the enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Amendment — Wong Soo Kan

Palestinian paramedics carry away bodies of dead people uncovered in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on April 17, 2024 after the recent Israeli military operation there. — AFP pic

No one is a busybody to genocide — Hafiz Hassan

Findings from EPF’s public consultations indicate that as high as 83% preferred empowerment through a flexible withdrawal, while 63% are willing to trade off increasing allocation to Akaun Persaraan (Account 1) for flexibility. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

Make EPF account restructuring a step towards a more comprehensive pension reform — Hawati Abdul Hamid and Puteri Marjan Megat Muzafar

Students continue to maintain a protest encampment in support of Palestinians at Columbia University, during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in New York April 26, 2024. — Reuters pic

Have there been arrests on Malaysian campuses, Bruce? — Hafiz Hassan

The upcoming revision of Malaysia’s data protection regime under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA 2010) is designed to effect changes and improvements, driven to enhance and accelerate trust domestically and internationally. This is also to move Malaysia towards global standards and recognition. — iStock pic

Enhancing trust in cross-border data transfer through Personal Data Protection Act amendment — Personal Data Protection Department

Forcibly reducing the operating hours for eateries is not only detrimental to Malaysia's investment climate but also contrary to our goal of promoting tourism development. ― Picture by Farhan Najib

Ban 24-hour eateries? Impractical! Encourage healthy living via education & publicity — Wee Jeck Seng

A view of the construction site of the Jurong East terminus in Singapore for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail. — TODAY pic

HSR project — did we change the goal post? — Saleh Mohammed

AI applications are simply software programs that employ AI techniques to perform specific tasks whether simple tasks, repetitive tasks, complex tasks, or cognitive tasks that require human-like intelligence. — Reuters pic

The menace of generative AI inbreeding — Idris Adewale Ahmed

A sentence must be according to law and a sentence of house arrest, or home detention or home confinement is not available under the law. — Reuters pic

Sentence according to law and sentences under the law — Hafiz Hassan

Anyone who is aware of or has reason to believe touting activities are being carried out should immediately report such incidents to the Malaysian Bar via the Touting - Online Report Log or by email to — Picture by Choo Choy May

From touts to trust — Promoting the eradication of touting — Malaysian Bar

At the recently concluded KL20 Summit 2024, Dr Qi Bin, the Deputy Chief Investment Officer of the China Investment Corporation (CIC), underscored significant insights focused on economic synergies.  — Picture courtesy of KL20 Summit

China and Asean's thriving economic synergies — KL20 Summit

Youth violence in Malaysia, like in any other country, is caused by multi-faceted underlying factors, including socio-economic disparities, exposure to violent depictions in the media, family dysfunction, and limited educational opportunities. — Picture by FIrdaus Latif

Addressing the escalating crisis of youth violence in Malaysia — Farah Natasya

Former prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak arrived for the 1MDB trial case in Kuala Lumpur Court April 22,2024. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

Calls for open court proceedings not misplaced — Hafiz Hassan

The court before which the application for leave is made may well have to decide whether the leave application is an interlocutory application which would allow for hearsay evidence in an affidavit to be admissible. — Picture by Choo Choy May

Is application for leave for judicial review an interlocutory proceeding? ― Hafiz Hassan

The entanglement between politics and corporate interests became more pronounced as the economy took off on the back of intense industrialisation and the stock market boom during the 1990s ― which was also partly made possible by the high savings rate of the population including the role played by the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). — Picture by Miera Zulyana

Widening and deepening the corruption dragnet ― Jason Loh