NEW DELHI, Oct 2 — A Twitter conference to discuss the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi will be held to mark the 144th birth anniversary celebrations of the Father of the Nation.

The hash tag for the conference is #Gandhi.

The conference from 7-8pm (Indian standard time) today is open to everyone around the world, the Planning Commission says in a statement.

Sam Pitroda, National Innovation Council chairman and adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure to Improve Governance & Public Services, will lead the conference from his Twitter handle @pitrodasam.

The commission recently launched the Gandhi Heritage Portal. It hosts Gandhiji’s autobiography in 22 languages.

It also contains the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi in three languages: English (100 volumes), Hindi (97 volumes) and Gujarati (82 volumes). The portal presents more than 500,000 pages, 21 films, 72 audio speeches of Gandhiji and over 1,000 photographs. — Bernama