BEIJING, April 13 — Around one-third of the world’s population plays video games each week, with gamers spending an average of nine hours a week playing games. And China is home to the most addicted gamers, who spend more than 11 hours playing video games on average.

When asked “Which three activities would you say you spend the most time on each week?,” 29 per cent of Chinese answered video games, compared to 14 per cent for the global total, according to the survey conducted by YouGov with more than 19,000 people across 18 countries. The next highest percentages of adults who say they spend most of their time playing video games are found in Hong Kong (23 per cent), Indonesia (19 per cent) and Singapore (18 per cent).

China is also the country where gamers play for the greatest number of hours each week: 11.3 hours, while the world average is 8.9 hours. The United States is also above average with 11 hours, followed by Great Britain with 10.2 hours. France is at 7.7 hours per week.

In terms of age, it’s 18-24 years olds who are most addicted to video games playing for 9.8 hours. The 25-35 year old spend an average of 9.1 hours each week gaming, ahead of the 35-44 years old (8.9 hours). Men aged 18-24 spend 10.9 hours of their week gaming and men aged 25-34, 9.7 hours.

Among the 12 “media” activities mentioned by the survey, playing video games, whether on a console, PC, or smartphone, is the most cited activity for 31 per cent of respondents, ahead of listening to podcasts (18 per cent) and watching live streaming video online (25 per cent). Far ahead, 64 per cent of the panel cited visiting websites (in a general sense), 57 per cent social media usage and 48 per cent watching streaming video content. — ETX Studio