KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 — Organisers of Good Vibes Festival 2023 (GVF) have revealed that the management of English pop rock band The 1975 had assured that frontman Matty Healy and band members would adhere to local performance guidelines.

Future Sound Asia (FSA) in a statement today said that, "regrettably, Healy did not honour these assurances, despite our trust in their commitment. Healy’s actions took us by complete surprise, and we halted the show as promptly as feasible following the incident.

"Healy's unprofessional behaviour and overt defiance of Malaysian laws and regulations are disturbing. Healy chose to utilise his performance as a platform to express his personal views, rather than delivering the quality show that his Malaysian fans were eagerly anticipating.

"This act is deeply unfair to his fans who were looking forward to enjoying a memorable music experience."

FSA said that they were now left to address the repercussions of actions taken by an individual not present to be held accountable and face the implications of his actions, impacting fans, industry players, and the nation.

"Moving forward, we are committed to learning from this experience and taking necessary steps to reinforce communication with artists and their management teams. We will emphasise the importance of professionalism and adherence to local regulations to ensure that future events are conducted with even greater care and diligence.

"We sincerely apologise to all of our ticket holders, vendors, sponsors, and partners. We are aware of the time, energy, and efforts you have put into making this festival a success, and we value your steadfast support. We will update you on refund mechanics as soon as possible."

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil had earlier announced that the remaining two days of the three-day festival over the weekend is now cancelled after Healy's expletive-riddled tirade against Malaysia’s anti-LGBT laws which followed with a mouth-to-mouth kiss with bassist Ross MacDonald.

FSA said the decision, "complies with the immediate cancellation directive issued at 1:20 PM, 22 July 2023, by the Ministry of Communications and Digital, which steadfastly opposes any parties challenging, ridiculing, or violating Malaysian laws.

FSA founder and director Ben Law said, "Over the past ten years, we have built Good Vibes Festival to be a uniquely Malaysian platform for enjoyable music experiences.

"This festival is not a transferable franchise, but a brand built from the ground up on Malaysian soil, cultivated by unyielding dedication, resilience, and financial risk. Now, this decade-long labour of love faces an unprecedented threat due to the actions of a single individual. This is a very challenging time for us."