KUALA LUMPUR, April 17 — Maxis Bhd has invested RM813 million in FY2023 to enhance its mobile network capacity, grow its fibre-to-the-premise footprint, and improve digitalisation across the company.

Maxis chief executive officer Goh Seow Eng said at the end of 2023, Maxis has more than 11,000 LTE sites in Malaysia covering 95 per cent of the population and connecting an additional 181,000 premises with its fibre infrastructure.

He said the company has always prioritised customer experience as it is a key differentiator in a hyper-competitive market.

“We continue to record a high touch point net promoter score of +68, thanks to the loyalty of our customers and their satisfaction with our products and services,” he said in Maxis’ 2023 annual report.

Goh said Maxis has improved its Maxis and Hotlink Apps enabling features such as plan upgrades, device purchases, roaming passes, and credit top-ups to be completed with as few clicks as possible.

It will also focus on digitalising customer interactions to ensure faster, more accessible and reliable service and is confident that Maxis will strengthen its position as Malaysia’s leading integrated telco.

The company will focus on growing its core businesses — mobile, fibre, and enterprise — while delivering operating excellence.

“Our long-term goal remains firmly set on sustainable and predictable business growth.

“Despite the intensifying competition and ever-changing regulatory landscape, we are confident that our agility and fast response allow us to seize opportunities that may arise from these developments,” he added.

Maxis’ net profit for the financial year ended December 31, 2023 (FY2023) fell to RM993 million from RM1.15 billion in FY2022.

However, revenue increased to RM10.18 billion from RM9.79 billion a year ago, with total revenue growing four per cent while underlying service revenue, excluding low-margin wholesale voice services terminated in the fourth quarter of 2022 (4Q 2022), grew 4.2 per cent year-on-year. — Bernama