GEORGE TOWN, Oct 18 — The Penang Fatwa Council has declared the teachings, practices, beliefs and ideology of the followers of Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) and its affiliated companies as deviant.

Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mohamad Abdul Hamid told a press conference that GISBH leaders, followers and workers were found to uphold the teachings of Darul Arqam and Syarikat Rufaqa’ Corporation Sdn Bhd (SRC), both previously declared as deviant.

“It is found that followers of GISBH have deviated in terms of faith such as believing that Asy-Syeikh Muhammad Abdullah As-Suhaimi is invisible and will reappear as Imam Mahdi,” he said in a press conference at the Penang Islamic Religious Affairs Department office here.

Mohamad, who is also Penang Islamic Council chairman, said GISBH followers believed that the late Ashaari Muhammad (Abuya), founder of Darul Arqam, will appear as Imam Mahdi’s assistant in the afterlife.

“They also practice tabarruk (seeking blessings), such as obtaining blessings from water used by GISBH leaders,” he said.

He added that GISBH exploits children and women through slavery and oppressive practices in their economic activities.

“Therefore, the Fatwa Council has decided that all Muslims, whether individually or in groups, are forbidden from following or believing in their teachings or adopting any similar practices,” he said.

He said Muslims are also banned from spreading, supporting, teaching, owning, publishing, selling or promoting any of GISBH’s beliefs and practices.

“The fatwa council has also banned any individual or organisations from providing aid, funding or any support to any organisations or groups under GISBH with the intention of spreading its deviant teachings,” he said.

He called on GISBH members and leaders to repent and return to the true teachings of Islam.

Penang is the sixth state to declare GISBH’s teachings deviant, following Perlis, Selangor, Pahang, Melaka and Sabah.

“The state government has prepared a faith restoration centre to help the followers of GISBH to restore their faith,” he said.

He said GISBH members may voluntarily report to the Darul Hidayah Complex (KDH) in Permatang Tok Gelam, Penaga, to undergo in faith restoration programmes.

He said the programmes will focus on the teachings of Islam and to strengthen their understanding of Islamic teachings based on the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.

“The KDH normally manages the affairs of new converts and is also a centre to strengthen the faith of individuals or groups,” he said.

The KDH is fully equipped with accommodation for up to 120 people, a surau that can accommodate 200 people and a multipurpose hall with a 500-person capacity for indoor sports.

“For now, KDH is yet to receive any GISBH members for faith restoration process,” he said.

The state government and relevant departments will ensure the faith restoration plan is implemented effectively for GISBH members.

Meanwhile, the fatwa declaring GISBH teachings as deviant will be gazetted as soon as possible to enable easier enforcement, he said.

He said the decision will be presented to the Yang diPertuan Agong for his approval.GISBH has four business premises in Penang, but Mohamad said all of them closed on October 9.

“There are no educational institutions linked to GISBH in Penang,” he said.