GOPENG, Oct 3 — The Perak government via the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc) today launched the Terra Mineral Lab (TML) Sdn Bhd, a state-of-the-art mineral analysis laboratory, to identify, analyse and verify raw minerals such as rare earth elements (REEs).

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad said that the TML, which is also the first commercial laboratory of its kind in Malaysia, will strengthen Perak’s role in the mineral industry.

“REEs are the assets of future technological development. It is widely used in the manufacturing of electric car components, solar energy, wind turbines, and various advanced electronic devices.

“With the establishment of TML, we have laid a solid foundation in the sustainable development of the mineral industry and has the potential to lead the mineral technology research and processing,” he said in his speech at the launch of TML at Gopeng Industrial Area here.

Saarani also said the non-radioactive REE mining pilot project in Gerik which has generated royalties of RM29.73 million to the state proved the great potential of this industry.

However, he pointed out that more than 85 per cent of the world’s lanthanide production is currently dominated by China.

“Therefore, with the presence of TML in Perak, we are on the right track to contribute to the diversity of the global supply chain, while reducing the world’s dependence on one resource.

“This will also help us to explore the full potential of lanthanide in the state,” he added.

Saarani said that TML is in the process of obtaining MS ISO/IEC 17025 certification from the Malaysian Standards Department, which will allow it to be recognised as the country’s leading reference laboratory in mineral analysis.

“For me, this is a big step. It will be able to ensure that every analysis result from TML is recognised at the national and international level, simultaneously strengthening Perak’s position as a leader in this strategic field,” he explained.

Saarani also announced the launch of the Centre of Excellence for Mineral Research (COE) as part of the state government’s strategy to promote responsible mining and strengthen its position in the mineral industry.

“With modern technology and the latest research, we can attract foreign investors and researchers from all over the world to make Perak as the global research hub and main reference centre in the rapidly growing mineral industry,” he said.