KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 27 — Ongoing police investigations into Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) have found mass brainwashing within the group to enforce devotion to its top leaders as well as threats, blackmail and the offer of wives as rewards.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said that to achieve absolute obedience, GISBH members are exposed to the doctrine of Aurad Muhammadiah through pamphlets and reading materials and made to comply with all directives, with those who refuse threatened, Utusan Malaysia reported today.

“Reports received by PDRM indicate that some followers claim they have been threatened if they no longer agree with the group and wish to leave,” he was quoted as saying, using the Malay initials for the Royal Malaysia Police.

He added that compliant members are elevated to leadership positions and are given specific women as wives.

“As a result, during the investigation, we (the police) found that several individuals, including top leaders of GISBH, have more than one wife,” he told the Malay newspaper.

Razarudin said the investigation team still needs to examine and identify the backgrounds of approximately 10,000 members who have joined GISBH.

He noted that this number includes all members, including children, and was obtained based on documents seized during several nationwide raids.

“We (the police) still need to investigate who these individuals are, how they registered as members of GISBH, and whether the registration is legally valid,” he was quoted as saying.

Razarudin did not rule out the possibility that police investigations into GISBH’s top management may proceed under the Security Offenses (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA).

“Our focus will be on organised crime, and we will first assess whether there is a need to detain them under SOSMA,” he was quoted as saying.

The police chief said investigations so far showed that GISBH has not paid taxes since the company was established.

“So far, we have been informed that they have never paid taxes; however, we will leave it to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) for further verification,” he was quoted as saying.

Yesterday, Razarudin revealed that the beliefs held by GISBH followers are excessively fanatic and deify their leaders, distorting true Islamic teachings.

Police investigation into GISBH found that the company’s business methods have been facilitated by their version of the Aurad Muhammadiah doctrine.

This process resembles indoctrination, which is believed to be a deeply held value among its followers.

The doctrine is viewed as a serious threat to national security, particularly concerning the Islamic teachings in the country.

Police launched “Op Global” on September 11, raiding 20 welfare homes in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan linked to GISBH over allegations of child and religious exploitation.

The operation exposed cases of abuse and neglect, leading to the arrest of over 300 individuals, including GISBH’s top management, and the rescue of 572 victims.