SHAH ALAM, Sept 23 — Social media influencers Mohd Hazalif Mohd Hazani and Aisyah Hijanah Azhari have reportedly pleaded not guilty to 10 charges of misappropriating public funds today.

The Star reported the man known popularly as Alif Teega and his wife claiming trial in the Sessions Court here in front of Justice Awang Kerisnada Awang Mahmud.

They were accused of committing the offences between May 2021 and July this year, involving a total of over RM1.5 million.

According to mStar, the funds were among others meant for dates and Quran donations, food packs for the poor, aid for flood victims, as well as Raya clothings for orphans.

If convicted, they can be punished under Section 403 of the Penal Code for each charge, which carries a prison sentence of between six months and five years, along with whipping and a fine.

The judge set the bail at RM25,000 with one surety for each of them. Aisyah was told to surrender her passport but not Hazalif as he had done so previously.

They were also ordered to report to the Putrajaya Malaysian Corruption Corruption Commission (MACC) in the first week of every month.

The case will be heard next on November 27.

Last week, Hazalif also claimed trial for two counts of misusing funds totalling over RM60,000 collected from two donation programmes in April and June.

For the first charge, he was accused of dishonestly misusing cash amounting to RM36,047.35 for the purpose of iftar donations in Mecca, Syria, and Palestine at a bank in Jalan Kerinci, Gerbang Kerinci Lestari on April 26.

For the second charge, he was accused of dishonestly misusing cash amounting to RM27,558.13 for the Jom! Join Qurban Meat Donation programme at the same bank on June 15.

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