KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 21 — Federal Territories Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa has defended the timeframe of three to six months to repair the sinkhole in Jalan Masjid India that swallowed a tourist from India last month.

She urged traders in the area to be patient, following complaints from a business group, news portal Free Malaysia Today reported this morning.

“The timeframe of three to six months for repairs is considered reasonable. I hope the association will be patient for the sake of the security and wellbeing (of users),” she was quoted as saying.

Dr Zaliha was responding to Masjid India Business Association president Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin who reportedly claimed the given timeframe was excessive and called for repair works to be expedited to ensure safety and mitigate significant business losses due to decreased foot traffic.

Ameer reportedly said that businesses in the area saw their sales plunge as much as 80 per cent after the road was taped off.

A 48-year-old woman identified as Vijayaletchumy from Andhra Pradesh, India was swallowed by a sinkhole that formed along Jalan Masjid India near Wisma Yakin shortly after 8am on August 23, prompting an immediate search-and-rescue operation that lasted nine days and was hampered by heavy rains during that time.

A second sinkhole formed some 50 metres from the first on August 28, prompting the city to cordon off the area for public safety.

Local authorities have promised that the search for the Indian tourist’s remains will continue until she is found.

To date, no announcement has been made.