KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 10 — The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) has issued a proposed decision to impose monetary penalties based on their preliminary findings against three contractors involved in bid-rigging cartel activities related to six maintenance tenders issued by the Putrajaya Corporation (PPJ).

MyCC chairman, Datuk Seri Mohd Hishamudin Yunus, stated that the three companies were found engaged in bid-rigging by forming agreements and coordinated practices to fix bid prices, share bid information, and align the preparation and submission of their bids.

“It is important to emphasise that the proposed decision issued by MyCC is a preliminary finding. Therefore, it cannot be assumed at this stage that any of the companies involved have violated the Competition Act 2010 (Act 712),” he said in a statement.

He added that the contractors named in the proposed decision have been informed of the proposed monetary penalties and given 30 days to submit written representations to MyCC.

“These companies will also be granted the opportunity to submit their oral representations to the commission on a date to be determined.

“MyCC will only issue a final decision after considering their representations, along with the evidence obtained during the investigation process,” he added. — Bernama