KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 — Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin today acknowledged his party is unlikely to get support from its government allies to its efforts to free his convicted party mate Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

However, he told reporters at Umno’s general assembly that the lack of support does not mean the Malay nationalist party must remain silent.

“Even if there are differing views on Najib, this does not mean Umno must remain quiet,” he was quoted by news portal Malaysiakini as saying when asked about potential opposition from the its current political partner Pakatan Harapan or DAP, which had been critical of Najib’s role in the 1MDB financial scandal.

Khaled said Umno’s bid to get a full pardon and prison release for Najib shows the party’s commitment to acknowledging the contributions of its past leaders.

He reportedly added thatUmno’s decision on such matters are non-negotiable.

“Umno must continue to uphold its values and work with those who share its principles, such as defending Islam, the Malay language, and the special rights of Malays and rulers.”

Umno secretary-general Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki disclosed that Najib’s full pardon and release from prison were among the top proposals from the party grassroots raised at its ongoing annual convention.

Najib, a former Umno president and ex-prime minister, was found guilty of misapproriating RM42 million belonging to SRC International Sdn Bhd, a former subsidiary of sovereign investment fund 1MDB and sentenced to 12 years in prison and a RM210 million fine.

He began his jail sentence on August 23, 2022.

In February, the Federal Territories Pardons Board agreed to halve the jail term to six years, which means Najib can be released earlier on August 23, 2028 if he also manages to pay his reduced fine of RM50 million before that date.

If he fails to do so, his early release date will be a year later on August 23, 2029.