LUNDU, Aug 23 — The air was thick with sorrow this morning as mourners gathered at Selampit Cemetery to lay to rest the three teenagers who perished after the boat on which they were travelling to school capsized while crossing Sungai Batang Kayan here on Tuesday.

Members of the local community, teachers, and schoolmates started to gather at the cemetery from around 10am following a funeral mass at St Gregory’s Church, Kampung Selampit.

Vilkie Wilson was 15, Helena Fasha Petrus was 17, while the youngest and final victim to be found Alasma Jitwil was 14.

The burial rites commenced at around 10am, following a funeral mass for Vilkie at St Gregory’s Church in Kampung Selampit.

The community, including local residents, teachers, and schoolmates, gathered in large numbers to pay their respects.

It was estimated that around 500 people attended the funeral, among them Opar assemblyman Billy Sujang and district education officers.

Alasma and Helena, both members of the Baha’i faith, were laid to rest side by side at approximately 10.30am, following a prayer service.

Vilkie, who was Catholic, had his last rites conducted at the village church before being escorted to the cemetery by his grieving family and friends.

Amir Mohd Herman, 15, a close friend of Vilkie, was among those at the funeral.

Reflecting on his relationship with Vilkie, Amir shared that they had been inseparable since childhood, often spending their days together exploring the village, fishing, and dreaming about their futures.

“We were like brothers.

“We did everything together. It’s hard to believe he’s gone,” said Amir with his voice heavy with emotion.

Amir recounted the harrowing moment he learned of the incident.

“I was at school when I heard about the capsized boat. I rushed home to find my mother and asked if they had found him.

“The next day, his brother invited me to help search for him along the riverbank. When we found him, it was heartbreaking. I couldn’t bring myself to look closely,” Amir said, his voice breaking.

Meanwhile, another close friend of Vilkie, Andy Wilson Aron, 13, from Kampung Selampit who is also a student at the same school said he and the late Vilkie often went fishing together at the plantation.

“We saw each other frequently, especially during family gatherings like Gawai.

“He was a kind person who didn’t particularly enjoy sports but loved studying and always participated in school competitions.

“Although we didn’t see each other often, the last time we met, he invited me to go fishing, which is a memory I’ll always cherish. There was nothing unusual about his behavior before the incident,” he said.

As the funeral concluded, a light drizzle fell, as if the heavens themselves mourned the loss of these promising young lives.

Despite the heartache, the community came together in a powerful display of unity and support, determined to honour the memory of Vilkie, Helena, and Alasma.

The tragedy unfolded early Monday morning when the boat, carrying 20 passengers, capsized while crossing the river.

Despite the chaotic scene that followed, many passengers were rescued and taken to safety, but the three teenagers remained unaccounted for until their bodies were later discovered.

Vilkie’s body was found floating by villagers at 11.58am on August 21, approximately 10 meters from the Fire and Rescue Department’s control post (PKB).

Later that evening, Helena’s body was found by members of the public at 5.30pm, about a kilometer downstream from the PKB.

The final victim, Alasma, was discovered by villagers at 6.38am the next day, approximately 100 meters upstream from the accident site.

The loss has deeply affected the entire community, particularly their village of Kampung Selampit and SMK Senibong, where the memory of the three students’ contributions and the bright futures they represented will be cherished forever. — The Borneo Post