PUTRAJAYA, Aug 6 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has conceded today that while targeted subsidies and revising electricity tariffs may be unpopular, they are actions that need to be taken by a responsible government to save the country’s economy.

Anwar, who is also finance minister, said his ministry must play its role to educate the public about economics especially on policies that would prove unpopular with the public.

“It means that if you want to invest, you know that the policy is responsible. Who doesn’t want to be popular, who doesn’t want to be happy... but what is responsible economic policy?” Anwar said in the Minister of Finance’s monthly assembly here.

“The MOF family should certainly be more understanding than those who are not exposed to these facts, and that’s why I say the ministry’s media should be more aggressive and proactive in explaining.”

He also lambasted opposition politicians for politicising the rationalisation of subsidies, saying all previous prime ministers hold the same view on the matter.

“We know that targeted subsidies is being politicised, you know that because it is discussed by some political figures, they have strong position, he used to be a minister or menteri besar but when he speaks, he never think about the facts, he uses sentiments and feelings,” he said, directing his barbs to an unnamed figure.

“We are faced with reality, we cannot talk like that, and we know that a responsible government must have the tenacity to undertake the right economy prescription, this is a challenge for us.

“But I say thank God because whether it’s growth, increased investment, the strength of the ringgit, we can deal with that, but we can’t let go of our responsibility that in the end is the comfort for the people,” Anwar said.

He asserted that the reforms have resulted in rising investors’ confidence, while pointing to the strengthening ringgit.

“There is some reassuring news, especially the domestic position of the economy and the strength of the ringgit, which is an aspect of focus.

“If we look at the numbers, the facts cannot be denied that the strength of the ringgit compared to the last 14 years [is something to be most] proud of,” he said.

The ringgit has shown continued strength against the US dollar at opening today, trading slightly higher at between 4.42 and 4.43 against the dollar, compared to yesterday.

Anwar added that the implementation of the Public Finance and Fiscal Responsibility Act is also a factor that has helped strengthen the country’s economy.

Anwar said overall, he is grateful that Putrajaya’s policies have instilled confidence among investors.

The passing of the Act last October, marked a first in the country’s history that an Act related to fiscal policy management, to ensure the sustainability of public finances, preserve macroeconomic stability and protect the well-being of the people