KUALA LUMPUR, July 30 — The Federal Court dismissed today Umno leader Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos’s application to appeal the ruling against him in DAP MP Teresa Kok’s defamation lawsuit, ending their years’ long dispute before the courts.

According to Free Malaysia Today, a three-judge panel in the apex court rejected the application along with an order for Jamal to compensate Kok RM30,000 in costs.

“The question posed failed to cross the threshold under Section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964,” said Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Rahman Sebli who headed the panel.

The decision meant Jamal will have to cede the RM300,000 he deposited for the appeal to Kok.

The sum was the award against Jamal after he was previously found guilty of defaming the Seputeh MP.

Kok filed lawsuit against the Umno leader in 2017, over his remarks claiming she had misappropriated funds meant for charity.

The High Court found in favour of Kok in July 2022, with the Court of Appeal upholding the decision in March this year.

Lawyer SN Nair, who appeared for Kok, confirmed that Jamal had made the deposit in April.