KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today announced that Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (Angkasa) will manage allocations to cooperatives from the government to ensure the success of the national cooperative movement.

He said the allocation includes RM2 million from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) for Rahmah sales.

“The KPDN has allocated funds for Kedai Rahmah. I want a portion of that allocation, starting with RM2 million to be channelled through Angkasa,” he said during his speech at the closing ceremony of the National Cooperative Congress here today.

He then went on to say that the government will also be allocating RM2 million from the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) for the Sejati Madani Programme.

He said the allocation will also be used for Madani villages.

“We have this village initiative, called Madani villages, which include various associations such as mosques, youth, and women’s groups. I want to include cooperatives in this grouping.

“In this programme, RM2 million will be directly allocated to cooperatives through Angkasa. I do not want any delays. I want the process to proceed smoothly and quickly, with final decisions made within two weeks and funds disbursed within a month,” Anwar added.

He also announced a news allocation of RM1 million for the Asean Cooperative programme during the Asean Chairmanship in 2025 which is also to be disbursed to Angkasa.

He added that he aims to incorporate the cooperative movement into the agenda for next year.

“Since we will chair the programme at the end of this year, I want the cooperative movement to be included as one of our agendas next year.

“Considering Angkasa president, Datuk Seri Abdul Fattah Abdullah is also the chairman for the programme, the RM1 million is also allocated for this purpose,” he added.

Anwar also said that Angkasa will be disbursing RM500,000 for mosque cooperatives in rural areas.

He said that the funds will be allocated for mosque cooperatives and management support, incorporating the previous year’s fund aimed at enhancing cooperatives.

“Regarding mosque cooperatives, I will bring this to the Islamic Development Council meeting, chaired by Tuanku Sultan Nazrin of Perak. We will discuss seeking cooperation from the states and present it to the King. We plan to allocate half a million ringgit through Angkasa to build cooperative strength in village mosques,” he said.

Additionally, Anwar said a new allocation of RM500,000 million will be also be allocated to Angkasa for skill and expertise training management, with the goal of enhancing the management capabilities within cooperatives.