KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan suggested that the government introduce a recall petition in line with the legal amendments to the anti-party hopping law.

He said the move is currently practised in the United Kingdom, where an MP can lose their seat after voters in the relevant constituency sign a petition to remove them for switching parties, English daily The Star reported today.

“I personally view that it is better to do so (amend the anti-party hopping law), or we could also introduce a recall process as currently practised in the United Kingdom.

“Under the recall process, any MP who defects from their party can be removed if more than 50 per cent of their voters support a petition for their removal.

“This will then trigger a by-election in the relevant constituency,” he told reporters after officiating the Tenggara Umno division meeting at Dewan Felda Sungai Sayong earlier today.

Mohamad was commenting on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s intention to introduce legal amendments to close any gaps in the anti-party hopping legislation.

He said the anti-party hopping law was originally proposed by Umno after some of its MPs switched parties following the 14th General Election in 2018.

“We proposed very strict laws under the reformation and law cluster to ensure our country no longer faces threats from MPs who prioritise their personal agenda over serving the people.

“But this proposal was rejected by those who were once forming the government back then.

“They did not agree that any MP who crosses the floor or supports the opposing party should lose their seat and be expelled from their political party,” he was quoted as saying.

Earlier today Anwar said the government is open to discussions on making legal amendments to the anti-party hopping law.

He said Pakatan Harapan proposed such amendments in 2022, but its suggestion was rejected by the government at the time.