KUCHING, April 13 — The Niah National Park in Miri has qualified to the semi-finals for inclusion into the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) World Heritage list, said Datuk Len Talif Salleh.

According to the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Urban Development Sarawak, the semi-finals selection took place in Paris, France and its nomination would be finalised in New Delhi, India this July.

“The meeting in Paris was a crucial step, attended by an executive committee representing 50 Unesco member countries.

The committee, he added, would deliberate over the 50 nominations from around the globe for Unesco World Heritage Site status in the upcoming meeting in New Delhi.

“While we cannot offer guarantees, the progress and actions taken thus far bode well for our bid,” he said, while at the same time expressing his optimism about the chances of Niah National Park to be listed on the world heritage list.

He was speaking to reporters during his Aidilfitri open house in Demak Baru here today.

Niah National Park, renowned for its historic caves dating 40,000 years and housing Southeast Asia’s oldest human remains, attracts over 15,000 visitors annually.

Should the park secure Unesco recognition, it would follow in the footsteps of Sarawak’s Mulu National Park, which had been honoured with the Unesco status in 2000.

Covering an expanse of 3,138 hectares, comprising limestone hills and forests; Niah National Park was declared a National Historical Monument in 1958, subsequently becoming a National Park on Nov 23, 1974, and opening its doors to the public on January 1, 1975. — The Borneo Post