KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 — The police have accepted the notice of assembly for this year’s Women’s March Malaysia (WMMY) after rejecting it four times.

WMMY 2024 Organising Committee representative Deborah A. said that with the acceptance of the notice, the march will go ahead as planned on March 9.

“We welcome the cooperation from the police, but we want to reiterate that this is our right under the Constitution to have a peaceful assembly and we hope that in the future other organisers will not face obstacles because we have been following the law.

“We are following the law under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, so we should receive cooperation because the Women’s March always follows the regulations that are laid out for organising peaceful assemblies and our participants are always peaceful,” she told the media at the Dang Wangi police headquarters, here, today.

She added that harassment came from others who hassled march participants during the event and also took the form of online harassment.

When asked about the rejection, she said that the organising committee were not given any reason why the notice was rebuffed four times.

According to Deborah, the police had asked them to submit a formal letter along with a form, which they had never been asked to do in previous years.

The Women’s March 2024 will be held at 9am on March 9 in Kuala Lumpur. It will see participants marching from Sogo Kuala Lumpur to Dataran Merdeka.

The event’s organising committee had made several attempts on Friday and Sunday to notify the police about the march.

However, they said the officers who sighted the notice refused to officially stamp the documents.