KUANTAN, March 2 — The Pahang State Health Department (JKNP) issued a total of 20,819 compounds for various offenses amounting to over RM5.51 million throughout last year.
State Health director Datuk Dr Rusdi Abdul Rahman, said in 2023, JKNP ranked as the second-highest issuer of notices under the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004 (PPKHT), and the third-highest for the Food Regulations 1985 (PPM) and the Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 (PPKM).
During the period, he said JKNP issued 13,449 notices, totalling over RM3.169 million, for offences under PPKHT 2004 while 4,966 notices were issued for offences under PPM 1985 and PPKM 2009, amounting to over RM1.185 million.
“Enforcement is the final measure to ensure public compliance with current public health legislation,” he said in a statement here today.
Meanwhile, 448 notices pertaining to smoking offences totalling RM108,600, were issued following inspections on 364 premises during the 2024 Mega Integrated Operation on Public Health Laws.
He said a total of 130 notices were issued for smoking offenses in food premises, public transportation stops (117 notices), shopping complexes (112 notices), and other locations (80 notices), with an additional nine notices issued to premises owners who failed to display no-smoking signs.
“During the four-day operation starting from February 27, JKNP also issued 137 notices to 65 premises inspected under PPM 1985 and PPKM 2009,” he said adding that the notices amounted to RM103,700 in fines and 12 premises were closed.
The notices were directed at premises owners who neglected maintenance requirements (49 notices) and food handlers who violated dress code and personal hygiene procedures (88 notices).
In addition, during inspections conducted under the Food Act 1983 and the Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975, 12 out of 20 inspected premises were found to have breeding grounds for disease-bearing insects, warranting fines totalling RM6,000. — Bernama