KOTA KINABALU, Feb 8 — Petronas today solidified two new initiatives that will help research and human capital development in Sabah, including a RM5.75 million grant.

The grant, under the Petronas-Academia Collaboration Dialogue (PACD), was awarded to seven academics from Universiti Malaysia Sabah to carry out research in green energy-related fields such as clean energy storage system, bioenergy development, efficient hydrogen generation and operational efficiency through data science and artificial intelligence.

The second initiative is the signing of an agreement between Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) to offer a one-year foundation programme for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia top achievers.

Upon completion of the one-year foundation programme at UCSF, students will have the opportunity to pursue their bachelor's degree in science and engineering programmes at UTP campus in Perak.


Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, who witnessed the presentation of the grants and the signing ceremony, lauded Petronas’ green energy and human capital development initiatives which he said would complement Sabah’s priority in these sectors.

“This will benefit Sabah’s quest to explore and promote sustainable solutions in energy-related fields that align with global sustainability goals.

“This is where industries are moving towards globally, and the State Government wants to ensure this is also adopted locally,” he said.


The researchers for the grant are Prof Madya Dr Mailin Misson, Dr Mohd Azlan Ismail, Dr Zarina Amin, Dr Ng Chi Huey, Dr Nazrien Adrian Amaludin, Dr Goh Poh Wah, and Dr Ervin Gubin Moung.

They received the awards from Petronas senior vice president of Malaysia petroleum management, Datuk Bacho Pilong.

On the collaboration between UTP and UCSF, the chief minister said it was an excellent initiative to give top Sabah SPM achievers not only education and training opportunities but also to develop a skilled labour force.