GEORGE TOWN, Jan 31 — Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP) has completed the pipeline diversion works at Sungai Perai just five hours after water supply was shut down for the southwest district of Penang island.

The works to connect two new 600mm pipelines to replace the leaking underwater pipeline was completed much faster than scheduled, PBAPP said in a statement released early this morning.

“The new pipelines have been connected and the leaking underwater pipeline on the riverbed has been disconnected,” it said.

Pipeline testing and commissioning have also started, it added.

“This will be followed up soon with efforts to recover water supply for 84 per cent of the 120,000 affected consumers ahead of schedule,” it said.

PBAPP said it will update the progress later today.

A scheduled water supply interruption (SWSI) affecting about 120,000 consumers in the southwest district of Penang island started at 11.30pm yesterday.

The SWSI was to allow the installation of the diversion pipelines to replace the leaking underwater pipeline at Sungai Perai.

Last Tuesday, a huge leak sprung at the 1,350mm underwater pipeline on the riverbed of Sungai Perai, leading to a sudden water supply disruption that affected about 120,000 consumers on the southwest district of Penang island.

PBAPP implemented Plan A to re-clamp the pipeline and the works was completed on January 26, but it was still leaking.

PBAPP then announced Plan B, which was to connect two new 600mm pipelines to divert water from the underwater pipeline.

The two new pipelines are a short term measure pending plans to fully replace the 1350mm underwater pipeline at Sungai Perai with a pipeline above the river.