KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29 — Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin today called prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’.

In a statement, Daim said he had come out to stump for Pakatan Harapan and Anwar at the height of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal back in 2018.

Yet, Daim now claims that honesty, integrity and good governance have gone out the window under Anwar’s administration, citing how independent institutions have been made pliable tools to pursue political opponents.

“But now, we are under the shadow of an administration that is abusing its powers, while betraying all the promises of reform.

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing who cries reforms, but does the polar opposite,” the wheelchair-bound 86-year-old said after posting a RM280,000 bail in court earlier.

Calling Anwar an ‘old friend’, Daim also challenged Anwar to throw everything he has got despite his frail health.

“In my twilight years, I may no longer have the physical strength, but my convictions have not wavered.

“I am not too bothered about my fate now, let Anwar throw everything at me,” he said.

Like his wife, Toh Puan Na’imah Abdul Khalid, Daim also said he will prove in court that he had not committed any crime.

Daim said as Anwar ‘busies himself pursuing vendettas of the past’, the sufferings of ordinary Malaysians are neglected.

He also reminded Anwar that such doings come with repercussions.

“I ask you, Malaysians, to do what you can to protect and to save this country. Do not hesitate or fear to stand up to Anwar and his regime.

“A government is accountable to its people, not the other way around.

“As the saying goes, for evil to triumph it’s only necessary for good men to do nothing,” he said.

Daim was accused in the Sessions Court this morning of failing to declare assets to the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission as required.

He claimed trial.