KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 — Four initiatives to popularise literature through translation will be presented to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for his views and approval for implementation.

The Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books (ITBM) said that the four initiatives were translating and publishing works by national laureates in the world’s main languages, translating popular global works into the Malay language, the establishment of an international research centre focused on the translated works by national laureates and popularising literature at the grassroots level.

These initiatives were mooted at a meeting between national laureates chaired by ITBM chairman Noor Amin Ahmad here today.

“The meeting obtained views and thoughts from national laureates such as Datuk A Samad Said, Prof Emeritus Muhammad Salleh, Datuk Anwar Ridhwan, Datuk Baharuddin Zainal, Datuk Zurinah Hassan, Prof Datuk Siti Zainon Ismail and Datuk Rahman Shaari.

“Based on the discussion and views shared, the idea to popularise literature through translation under the four initiatives received full support from national laureates who attended,” ITBM said. — Bernama