KOTA KINABALU, Dec 31 — There are no forces with ill intent which can break Sabah, as long as the Sabahans remain united, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

Hajiji said that, as the Chief Minister, he is committed to seeing the beloved Sabah remain united, prosperous, and inclusive, especially in the coming year.

“We are strong only when we are united. When we are united we will be able to withstand any attempt to undermine stability, and to ensure that development can proceed unhindered,” he said in his New Year 2024 message, here today.

Hajiji said that he was touched and grateful to the people and all like-minded supporters who have stood by the government, believing in its sincerity to do what is best for Sabah.


“Let us put politics aside and discard any divisiveness that will only pull us apart. We must forge forward into the new year with resolve, united in diversity, and committed to doing good, in accordance with the mandate given to us by the rakyat,” he said.

He said with the people’s support, the state government had made good strides in progressing its development plan under the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ), and despite the challenges, it has been steadfast in implementing the SMJ agenda, and staying on course to see it through.

Hajiji said that the recently passed state 2024 Budget, amounting to RM5.701 billion, was a testament to the state government’s commitment to drive economic growth and development in Sabah.


“Our commitment to growth remains unwavering. We have set our sights on the many opportunities the state can leverage in all sectors. We will continue to build on our successes and pursue new investment opportunities, to create economic spin-offs and create jobs for the people,” he said.

However, he said that all these successes and plans will account for nothing without the combined efforts and commitment of all, as well as a conducive environment to pursue the development goals. — Bernama