KUALA KANGSAR, Dec 27 — The Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk) will continue to strengthen its enforcement measures to prevent individuals who hold office in any political party from teaching or lecturing in mosques in the state.

Its director Harith Fadzilah Abdul Halim said the circular regarding the guidelines dated March 6, which was distributed to all mosque committee chairmen in the state by the Perak State Islamic Religious Teaching Supervision Committee, remains in force.

“If there are parties who do not have the credentials to give religious talks in mosques or surau, an official complaint should be filed with JAIPk for action to be taken based on existing legislation.

“The same goes for those who have been given credentials but are leaning towards a party, even if they don’t hold any position, we will monitor and they will be blacklisted later, there is no compromise on this issue,” he told a press conference after officiating the Apresiasi Ulang Tahun ke-90 Penerbitan Kitab Bahrul Madzi programme at Masjid Jamek Al-Marbawi near here today.

On October 26, 2022, JAIPk issued a circular prohibiting political activities in mosques and surau in the state.

Harith Fadzilah added that the enforcement measures are taken to ensure that Islam continues to be protected from false teachings, slander and ill will that can adversely affect the religion, society and country. — Bernama