JASIN, Dec 26 — A housewife successfully turned her sewing passion into a source of income by producing soft toys for children crafted from batik fabric in various sizes, colours, and shapes.

Mazlina Abdul Majid, 51, from Kampung Rim, said she has produced approximately 10,000 soft toys since starting this craft business around four years ago.

Assisted by two workers, she utilised one of the rooms in her home as a dedicated sewing workshop to craft these toys, along with several other products such as ‘batu seremban’, keychains and face masks.

“These toys are unique because they reflect Melaka’s identity through batik designs and the form of a mouse deer, in addition to shapes resembling dinosaurs, rabbits, cats, owls and more. They are both child-friendly and suitable as souvenirs.

“I prioritise quality over quantity in every product to ensure customer satisfaction and durability,” she told reporters when met during the Craft Media Tour programme here today.

According to the mother of six, she previously worked at a factory but had to resign due to a slipped disc. She then took a sewing course under the ‘quick win’ programme organised by a government agency and received guidance from the Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation (Kraftangan Malaysia).

Besides sourcing the batik fabric from local entrepreneurs, Mazlina also creates her own designs using clay during the batik-making process in a workshop near her village.

What makes her even prouder is that the products produced under the Che Embun Creative Collection brand have successfully reached the United Kingdom through the MYCraftshoppe platform, an online marketing channel for craft products and services.

“Alhamdulillah, over these four years, Kraftangan Malaysia has provided financial aid, production, materials and marketing assistance, which led to these craft products gaining the public’s attention.

“For me, this craft field can benefit anyone interested in venturing into it, as it could serve as an additional source of family income,” she said.

Mazlina said that each soft toy and craft product is sold at prices ranging from as low as RM12 to RM120, depending on the size and type.

The craft entrepreneur has also been certified with the Malaysian Craft Standards 1:2022 for meeting seven criteria related to products, technical ability, production capability, good practices, management efficiency, financial strength and business performance. — Bernama