KOTA BARU, Dec 24 — The levels of two rivers in Kelantan breached the danger point as of 9am today following heavy rain since yesterday.

The publicinfobanjir.water.gov.my portal reported that the level of Sungai Aring at Jalan Felda Aring, Gua Musang was 80.31 metres (danger point 72 m), while Sungai Lanas in Air Lanas, Jeli was 29.68 m (danger point 29.5 m).

The portal also reported that two rivers had exceeded the warning point. Sungai Pergau at Jerimbong Bridge, Kuala Balah, Jeli measured 55.65 m and Sungai Golok in Rantau Panjang, Pasir Mas (8.42m).

The levels of seven other rivers — Sungai Lebir in Kuala Koh, Gua Musang; Sungai Galas in Chegar Lapan Kelantan, Kuala Krai; Sungai Galas in Dabong; Sungai Kelantan in Kuala Krai; Bukit Kwong Dam in Pasir Mas; Sungai Golok in Kuala Jambu, Tumpat and Melor Bridge in Bachok — were at the alert point. — Bernama