KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 19 — The government has distributed RM9.4 million allocated under the monsoon season assistance (BMT) to 11,784 eligible Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) rubber tappers nationwide.

Felda said the RM800 aid, which is disbursed through the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda), will be given to each rubber tapper in three phases from this month until next February.

“The first phase involves the payment of RM400 while the second and third phases involve payments of RM200. All payments will be deposited directly into the bank accounts of the settlers involved.

“The settlers eligible to receive this assistance comprise those who deliver their produce to Felda’s rubber collection centre; those with no produce due to labour issues or their rubber trees were attacked by disease; and those who are currently involved in replanting period with Felda,” it said in a statement today.

Felda hopes the aid will help ease their burden, especially in facing the monsoon season.

Felda also thanked the government for the provision of the BMT allocation for Felda settlers, which it had previously borne using its internal funds. — Bernama