KUALA LUMPUR, Dec14 — The number of flood evacuees housed in relief centres in Kelantan, Terengganu and Selangor rose tonight following heavy continuous rain.

In Kelantan, 933 evacuees from 249 families are being housed in 16 centres — 10 in Kuala Krai and six in Tanah Merah — as of 8.26pm tonight, while in Terengganu, 240 people from 65 families are being housed in six centres in Hulu Terengganu district as of 8pm.

The breakdown of evacuees at centres are as follows, Kampung Gunung Menerong (124 people from 29 families), Kampung Lubuk Periok (32 people from 10 families), Kampung Peneh (52 families from 16 families) and (32 evacuees from 10 families).

The water level taken at four main stations in the state are at danger levels, Sungai Besut at Keruak Bridge station, Besut; Sungai Besut in Kampung Langkap station, Setiu; Sungai Berang at Kampung Menerong station and Sungai Telemong in Kuala Ping, Hulu Terengganu.

In Selangor, 105 evacuees from 34 families are being housed in two centres, Sekolah Kebangsaan Jaya Setia and Balai Raya Kampung Parit Mahang in Kuala Selangor district as of 9pm, compared to 99 people from 33 families this evening.

The water level at RS Batu 8, Kuala Langat is at warning level, with a reading of 1.73 metres (m) as of 8.15pm while the water levels of Sungai Bernam at SKC Bridge and Kampung Sungai Selisik, Hulu Selangor are at alert levels, with readings of 18.35m and 26.3m respectively. — Bernama