KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today condemned the US government for opposing the United Nations’ call to end the ongoing bombardment by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip that has killed tens of thousands of non-combatants, including Palestinian children, medical and humanitarian aid workers and displaced tens of thousands more since October.

Anwar said he was deeply saddened by the US decision to veto the resolution by the UN Security Council amid growing global outrage at the at the Israeli attacks that have been described by some world leaders as a genocide against Palestine.

“On behalf of the Malaysian government, I strongly condemn, protest the decision of the United States to oppose the ceasefire of the United Nations Security Council.

“Notwithstanding all other arguments, we must stop the killings of civilians, babies and women. There is no reason or no basis to deny this and to frustrate the process and therefore it is unfortunate.

“I’m deeply saddened by this outrageous decision to ignore the clamour and appeal by the international community,” Anwar told reporters after visiting the Madani government one-year anniversary exhibitions at the Bukit Jalil Stadium here.

International news wire Reuters reported the US government yesterday vetoed the UN Security Council’s proposal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza war, claiming the action would only benefit Hamas, which holds current authority in Palestine.

Thirteen other members of the UN council voted in favour of a brief draft resolution submitted by the United Arab Emirates, while Britain abstained.