KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 10 — Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) will not compromise on any incidents of bullying among students at the Mara Junior College of Science (MRSM), says its chairman Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki.

Asyraf Wajdi also urged parents of MRSM students to report directly to him if their children were bullied and there were MRSM administrators who tried to hide the incident.

“Sorry, MARA will never compromise with any form of bullying at MRSM, far from covering up any fraudulent behaviour.

“It does not matter if they are children of VIPs or even VVVIPs, you touch you go!” he continued in a post on Facebook today.


He said if left unchecked, rampant acts of bullying would hinder all efforts to shape a new generation that was just and responsible.

He said that MRSM has been known for producing holistic generations, where besides knowledge, also emphasised morals and values.

“In fact, people like this (bullies) who, when they lead any organisation in the future, will lose the value of respecting subordinates and even arbitrarily oppress without compassion and concern,” he said.


A bullying case involving a boarding school in Perak recently went viral on social media.

On Nov 4, the police confirmed that there had been a case of bullying involving the school’s students and the investigation paper for the case had been submitted to the Deputy Public Prosecutor’s Office on Monday (Nov 6). — Bernama