KUANTAN, Nov 2 — A total of 336 passengers and five crew members of the Ekspres Rakyat Timuran (ERT) train escaped unhurt after the train they were on crashed into 14 cows at KM84.50- KM84.75 between Bahau Station and Triang Station in Bera yesterday.

Bera district police chief Supt Zulkiflee Nazir said no casualties or injuries were reported in the 3.10am incident.

He said the crash killed all the cattle and caused some damage to the eight-wagon train including the engine.

“The train journey from Gemas, Negeri Sembilan to Tumpat, Kelantan resumed after the damage inspection was carried out,” he said when contacted here tonight.

Meanwhile, he said the incident was not the first to be reported at the location, following a similar incident on October 31 when a train carrying 400 passengers hit five cows.

He said appropriate action should be taken by the parties involved, including farmers who need to be more responsible in taking care of their livestock.

“Enforcement actions by relevant parties need to be done to prevent worse incidents in the future,” he said. — Bernama