KOTA BARU, Oct 22 — The Kelantan Social Security Organisation (Socso) has helped reduce unemployment in the state through more than 37,000 job placements from Jan 2020 to September this year.

State Socso director Nora Yaacob said so far her office had achieved 72 per cent of job placements, which amounts to 5,300 from January to September this year.

“Socso is targeting 6,888 job placements which is expected to be achieved by year end through carnivals and interviews that are conducted on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

“This target also involves programmes carried out at the Socso office, the MyFutureJobs Satellite Centre held at eight places such as MARA Poly-tech College (Kota Baru), MyFutureJobs Centre@UTC Kelantan, Rural Community Centre (PKD), Bukit Tandak (Rantau Panjang), PKD Alor Jeringai, (Bachok), PKD Gual Ipoh (Tanah Merah), PKD Sungai Sam (Kuala Krai), Assemblyman Service Centre Galas (Gua Musang) and Digital Economy Centre (PEDi) Buloh Kubu (Kota Baru),” she told reporters after the opening ceremony of the Myfuturejobs Kelantan State TVET Career Carnival 2023, here today.

Commenting further, Nora said that her office also helps targeted groups such as the disabled (OKU), low-income households (B40), youth and parolees (ODP) to find jobs.

“The commitment of the network of employers who come forward to provide various career opportunities with a maximum salary offer of up to RM7,000 in the professional field helps drive the socio-economics of the people in Kelantan,” she said.

In the same development, Kelantan Socso also helped job seekers who were affected by Covid-19 three years ago by bringing together employers and a total of 17,864 job vacancies and was able to gather approximately 31,861 job seekers through various channels.

She added that the career carnival also focused on school leavers or apprentices from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) backgrounds to ensure they have an opportunity to explore jobs that suit their respective skills.

“For the Socso carnival, history is made through the implementation of the Career Exploration Programme (CEP), involving tahfiz students with the aim of providing early exposure to work paths and addressing the gap of job mismatch in Malaysia,” she said. — Bernama