MIRI, Oct 21 — The decision by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to work closely with private sectors is to allow graduates to be absorbed into the industry as soon as they complete their studies.

Minister of Youths and Sports, Hannah Yeoh said Anwar made the right and timely call because this would ensure that graduates matches with the current industry demand.

“The PM made the right call for TVET to work with the private sectors, so that once they graduate, they will already be in demand.

“This is one way to ensure that there is ‘matching’. We don’t want to keep supplying but the industry doesn’t need them,” she told reporters after officiating at the Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) Miri Convocation Ceremony today.

She said all TVET institutions, irrespective of which ministry, have been urged to work with strategic partners in the private sector to ensure a balance in supply and demand.

“KBS (Ministry of Youths and Sports) through IKBN Miri has accepted the national challenge by implementing various initiatives with 12 strategic partners in the automotive, hospitality and mechanical industries.

“Our strategic partners are actively collaborating and playing their roles in equipping our students with skills, knowledge and identity to become highly skilled manpower,” she said.

In her address earlier, Yeoh said TVET is not only important for the students but was also for the nation’s development.

“That is why KBS always strives to ensure all TVET courses offered in IKBN are in line with demands of the various industries here,” she said.

IKBN Miri Convocation Ceremony today saw a total of 177 students graduating with diploma, advanced certificate as well as certificate in Automotive Technology, Hospitality Technology and Mechanical Technology.

The ceremony also witnessed graduate Shafika Jenevy Kandawang awarded the ‘Best Overall Graduand’ and ‘Best Graduand for Advanced Certificate in Hospitality Technology — Catering’ titles.

Seven others receiving Best Graduand in their respective courses were Shamuel Simon (Advanced Certificate in Mechanical Technology — Industry Maintenance); Schumichael Sari (Advanced Certificate in Automotive Technology — Car Maintenance); Isaac Chela Eighston (Advanced Certificate Automotive Technology — Commercial Vehicle); Emanuel Ding Evong (Certificate in Automotive — Heavy Machinery Maintenance); Anderian Juman (Diploma in Automotive Technology); Josica Joseph (Advanced Certificate in Hospitality Technology — Pastry) and Mohamad Danial Haziq Mohamad Daut (Advanced Certificate in Hospitality Technology — Food Preparation).

Also present at the ceremony were KBS secretary general Dr Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu; KBS Youth Skills Development Division director Shahrul Affendi Baharuddin, and IKBN Miri director Noor Azma Deris. — Borneo Post