SIBU, Oct 11 — The Paddy and Rice Regulatory Division (KPB) Sibu did not find any element of plastic during its preliminary analysis of a rice sample.

In a statement today, KPB Sibu chief Mohd Izzwan Ibrahim said the authority denied the existence of plastic rice in the market, especially here, as alleged by a viral video.

He said KPB is now awaiting confirmation from the Chemistry Department on the outcome of a rice sample sent for analysis.

“Affected by a video that went viral on social media of alleged plastic rice being sold in the market by a supplier here, the supplier of this rice brand had come forward to KPB office to lodge an official complaint on the viral video.

“The Ministry (of Agriculture and Food Security) views such an allegation seriously and field investigation was conducted by KPB on the day the rice sample was obtained at the supplier’s premises to be sent to the Chemistry Department for analysis,” he explained.

“The preliminary results conducted by KPB did not find any element of plastic as alleged.”

Mohd Izzwan pointed out for each entry of imported rice at the port, a safety certificate needs to be furnished by the exporter and Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas) also conducts an inspection before the distribution of the rice.

“KPB denies the existence of plastic rice in the market, especially in Sibu. KPB will not compromise with any quarters that attempt to create concern among members of the public on national food security, in particular rice,” he said.

He warned of stern action against irresponsible quarters regarding this matter.

“If there is any problem with rice, please make an official complaint to the KPB and do not spread any false or unfounded information as claimed on social media.

“We will cooperate with the police and SKMM (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) if there are quarters purposely spreading inaccurate news to create public concern,” he added. — Borneo Post