BETONG, Oct 8 — Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah today warned party members that irresponsible groups can use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to destroy the racial unity in the state.

He said all the groups need is handphones to destroy the existing unity.

“Therefore, PBB members must get themselves ready to face whatever challenges,” Uggah, who is also the deputy premier, said at the PBB’s Betong zone special convention held in conjunction with the 60 years of Sarawak Independence here.

He said he recently attended the World Congress on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) in Kuching and one of the working papers was on generative AI.

He said generative AI can do whatever its employers want it to do.

“What I fear is that it can be used to disturb our votes (in the state elections) later and they (irresponsible group) can use the system to campaign against us,” he said.

He said this technology can be an instrument the irresponsible groups use against PBB to destroy racial unity.

Citing an example, he said there is a social media site “Randau Dayak” that alleged the state government will not issue native customary rights land (NCR) titles to the Dayaks.

He said the postings on the site had alleged that the state government would make the Dayak poor.

He said the only option for PBB members is to fight these groups on social media, in the longhouses and everywhere.