GEORGE TOWN, Oct 5 — Developers that force affordable housing buyers to take up additional packages for renovations and car parks will be blacklisted for future developments, state housing exco Datuk Seri S. Sundarajoo warned today.

He said the prices of the affordable housing units are fixed by the state government at between RM42,000 and RM300,000.

“If a developer is found to have forced eligible buyers to take up these packages, stern action will be taken against them and their future developments will be affected,” he said in a press conference after launching a housing symposium here.

“If the buyer doesn’t want to take the renovation package, they have the right to reject and the developer cannot force them,” he said adding that the state has received complaints about this issue.

He reminded the developers that all development projects and planning approvals have to go through his office and local government.

“We have the empowerment to stop them as the local authority and state government,” he said.

He said the offer price for affordable housing units must not be changed to include other packages.

He said eligible buyers for affordable housing units could not afford to pay more than the fixed price of the units.

He said developers can offer additional renovation packages and carpark packages but this is only based on a willing buyer willing seller basis.

“It is a different matter if they ask for additional finishing packages, but the developers cannot force them if they don’t want it,” he said.