KOTA KINABALU, Oct 3 — Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) needs to move in line with the direction of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP), which, among other things, outlines a focus on improving the quality of education, including developing human capital talent to meet industry standards.

In this regard, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor wants UMS to create a quality higher education environment, capable of becoming a centre of excellence in producing competitive and innovative graduates, to meet the needs of a skilled workforce in the future.

Hajiii, who is also the UMS pro-chancellor, encouraged the university, and other institutions of higher learning in Sabah, to continue to strengthen cooperation with industry players in research, development, commercialisation and innovation activities.

“A state government which is investor-friendly is in dire need of knowledgeable and skilled graduates to meet the demands of the industry,” he said at the oath-taking and pledge ceremony, in conjunction with the 29th Session of UMS 2023/2024 Induction Week, here today.

Hajiji said that the Sabah government is also committed to cooperating with UMS in an effort to increase progress and the level of higher education in the state, in line with the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya aspiration, which, among other things, emphasises the industrial, agricultural and tourism sectors as the main thrust of economic recovery, including human capital development.

In the meantime, Hajiji said that the Sabah Students Consultative Council was introduced to give space to student representatives, to convey the views, ideas and aspirations of youths in empowering the role of young Sabahans.

He added that the establishment of the Sabah Student Secretariat was also important, as a liaison body between students and the Sabah government, including in the aspect of conveying students’ views as well as information on policies introduced by the state government.

The chief minister also wants UMS to always be close to the hearts of the community, through the University for Society initiative, designed to encourage the transfer of quality knowledge generated in public universities to communities in need, with the aim of mutual well-being and prosperity.

“The role of the university in helping the community is highly significant. Academics and researchers, as well as students, need to go to the field to identify the problems faced by the community, and then help provide appropriate solutions”, he said. — Bernama