KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 13 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shared his vision for Malaysia to regain the status it achieved in the 1990s and become a stellar country in this region — economically, politically, with good governance, and as a showcase of a multiracial society.

Speaking at the Milken Institute Asia Summit 2023 in Singapore on Wednesday, the prime minister said given the present scenario and the team, he is optimistic that the goals could be achieved.

“We must hasten the process and accelerate the reforms that we promised to the country,” he said during the special session, titled “A Conversation with Prime Minister of Malaysia,” that was live streamed online.

Anwar envisioned Malaysia to evolve as an example of a free multiracial society that embodies humanity and compassion. However, he said it would depend largely to the government’s ability to govern fairly and justly.

“Whatever problems we have to encounter for now, with this wave of racism and religious bigotry, I believe it’s a matter of time. With a strong sense of conviction, tenacity, and purpose, we will be able to bring Malaysia forward,” he said.

When asked about the political instability that concerns investors, Anwar pointed out that the federal government has a strong majority in Parliament, thus debunking the notion of political instability in the country.

He believes that with correct and clear economic policies, Malaysia could perform much better than it did in the 1990s, thanks to the government’s commitment to good governance, which is often lacking in many developing countries. — Bernama