PUTRAJAYA, Aug 20 — Confident of unity as the nation’s pillar towards progress and prosperity, now Malaysians will be made aware not only of the five principles of Rukun Negara but also of the five ambitions in the pledge.

National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang said in line with the theme of National Day and Malaysia Day (HKHM) 2023 celebration ‘Malaysia Madani: Tekad Perpaduan, Penuhi Harapan’, the Rukun Negara Exploration programme was launched recently to foster appreciation for the Rukun Negara.

“This year’s HKHM celebration is more meaningful because the Cabinet ministers on July 25 approved the proposal for the recitation of the Rukun Negara to start with the full reading of the preamble (mukadimah) and followed by the five principles,” he told Bernama.

The five ambitions are to achieve and foster better unity amongst the society; preserve a democratic way of life; create a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner; ensure a liberal approach towards the rich and varied cultural traditions as well as build a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.

Aaron said the Rukun Negara will be recited in full during official government programmes, school assemblies and the opening ceremony of the Dewan Rakyat and the Dewan Negara,

Aaron said it was important to promote the Rukun Negara, especially among the young generation, so that they would appreciate the true meaning of the pledge.

“Rukun Negara needs to be appreciated and understood together with the Federal Constitution which is the pillar of unity in ethnic, racial and religious diversity.

“Appreciating the Rukun Negara will not only instill the spirit of patriotism but also foster unity among multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-religion community,” he said.

Aaron also cited the importance of unity in ensuring the country’s progress and competitiveness as well as the successful implementation of the government’s policies including the Malaysia Madani framework.

“Young people are one of the agents of change in forming a capable and integrated country. This group can become superheroes in strengthening the spirit of unity,” he said.

Aaron said the ministry is committed to reaching out to the younger generation with the implementation of various relevant programmes including Unity Debate, Unity Poem and Rukun Negara Education Symposium.

In addition to the Rukun Negara Exploration programme, the Ministry of National Unity and its agencies have been actively promoting and implementing various programmes and activities since the beginning of this month to promote the HKHM 2023 celebration.

Among them are the Merdeka Exploration involving various collections on display at the museums, the Malaysia Tanah Airku exhibition that showcases history and nationhood and the Sambutan Anak Merdeka to celebrate those born on the sacred dates.

Others are the history and patriotism quizzes to test the students’ knowledge on the history of the country’s independence.

The ministry will also involve in the parade on Aug 31 with the participation of 400 people in various ethnic and cultural costumes. — Bernama