KUCHING, Aug 19 — Teenage girls who fall pregnant at a young age are advised not to hastily dispose of their babies after giving birth.

Deputy Minister for Women, Childhood and Community Development Datuk Rosey Yunus said her ministry is ready to help these teenage girls avoid making mistakes by abandoning their babies.

“We know that cases of unmarried teenage pregnancies exist. However, they may not want to keep the baby.

“To these teenagers facing such problems, we have a place,” she told reporters today when asked about the recent case of a baby girl being abandoned in Moyan, Batu Kawa.


“These teenagers just need to contact the Women and Family Department at Wisma Wanita or nearby Social Welfare Department (JKM) office to get assistance.

“We will help them because we have a safe haven for cases like this to prevent the baby from being abandoned. We don’t want this to happen; it’s very distressing,” she added.

At the same time, Rosey said that the ministry, through the Sarawak Women and Family Department (JWKS) Helpline, is ready to be contacted for advice via the hotline at 082-448866.


On August 18, a newborn baby girl was found abandoned near a dumpster at Moyan in Batu Kawa area around 7.30am.

The baby was discovered by garbage collector contractors while emptying the dumpsters.

Rosey added that the baby is now under the protection of JKM while the case is still under police investigation. — Borneo Post