KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 — The Energy Commission’s Green Electricity Tariff (GET) programme will open tomorrow (Aug 11) for new subscriptions.

The GET programme is for an available green energy quota of 1,899 gigawatt hours (GWh) for a five-month contract period, which is from Aug 1 to Dec 31, 2023.

“The programme enables Renewable Energy 100 (RE100) focused and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) conscious companies/industries to immediately obtain certified green energy up to 100 per cent of their monthly electricity consumption.

“Thus, these companies/industries can immediately achieve their RE100 goal with the internationally acclaimed and recognised Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC),” said the electricity sector regulator in a statement today.

The Energy Commission added that the mREC ensures that every kilowatt hour (kWh) of green energy purchased by the GET subscriber is uniquely identified to the particular renewable energy generation source, which in turn is connected to the National Grid infrastructure and dispatchable to the GET subscriber.

The GET programme also provides the GET subscriber with full exemption from the imbalance cost pass-through (ICPT) charges on their green energy utilised in their electricity bill.

“The allocation of the available green energy quota under the GET programme is for eligible customers on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Interested applicants are reminded to subscribe within the application window of 11am to 5pm tomorrow by logging in to myTNB Portal at www.myTNB.com.my,” it added. — Bernama