KOTA BARU, Aug 5 — Kelantan Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH) have outlined four main thrusts with 34 offers in the alliance’s manifesto that will be enjoyed by the people if they are given the mandate to govern the state after the state election on August 12.

State Madani Unity Government party chairman Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub said the manifesto was not empty promises, but the alliance was determined to realise them for the well-being of the people in Kelantan.

“With these offers, things will change for the better for the sake of the state and its future generation.

“I hope all voters, especially those who have been living here under PAS rule for the past three decades will give their trust to BN and PH to lead Kelantan for the good of everyone,” he told a press conference to announce the manifesto here today.

Elaborating, Ahmad Jazlan, who is also the state BN chairman, said that among the main offers are taking drastic measures to redouble efforts to provide clean water supply and waive outstanding water bills.

“Priority will be given to the provision of public facilities such as constructing an integrated Kelantan Sentral public transport terminal which will be built immediately.

“We will also establish the North Kelantan Development Corporation to drive the economy in the state through social economic development efforts and poverty eradication to help the people more proactively,” he said.

Kelantan Madani Unity Government party chairman Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub (3rd right) shows the Barisan Nasional-Pakatan Harapan manifesto during a press conference in Kota Baru August 5, 2023. — Bernama pic
Kelantan Madani Unity Government party chairman Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub (3rd right) shows the Barisan Nasional-Pakatan Harapan manifesto during a press conference in Kota Baru August 5, 2023. — Bernama pic

He said discounts of up to 50 per cent would be given, among them for business licences under the Local Authority (PBT), assessment rates and arrears, lowering land premium charges, land use conversion, as well as property docket fees.

“Some 5,000 units of affordable housing units will be built within five years, in addition to a 50 per cent rebate discount for housing plan process fee for the first house especially for the B40 group, youths and those who have just started a family.

“In creating quality job opportunities for the children of Kelantan natives we will also create a small and medium Industry (SMI) park and a halal industrial area that can provide 20,000 employment opportunities,” he said.

In taking account of the welfare of women and young people in the state, a one-off payment of RM3,000 will be given to students who have been accepted into public and private higher education institutes and undergraduates will be given free return bus and train tickets twice a year.

“Women expecting their first child will be given maternity assistance of RM1,000 and an annual scholarship of RM300 will be given to Form Six students.

“We have also agreed to set up a Tahfiz Al-Quran and Science university college, create Quran teacher positions and provide free Quran reading classes throughout the state, in addition to providing annual assistance to pondok schools and tahfiz institutions and as well as giving newly married couples RM2,000 each,” he said. — Bernama