SEBERANG PERAI, Aug 5 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be chairing a committee meeting to review the salary scheme for civil servants and fresh graduates next week.

He said the committee has not held a meeting in over 12 years when traditionally, it was supposed to be held every 10 years.

“Next week, in the committee meeting, we will look into all these matters,” he told reporters after officiating a National Economic Conference in a hotel here this morning.

He was asked to comment about the starting salary of fresh graduates in Malaysia that are as low as minimum wage.


Anwar replied that generally the salary of the civil service is low including police and the armed forces.

He said the committee will also have to consider the country’s financial ability to raise the salaries and pension for the civil service.

“Depending on our economic situation, we may need to raise it in stages,” he said.


In his opening address at the conference, Anwar said he has instructed both the Finance Ministry and Economy Ministry to get input from the experts in institutions of higher learning and universities in formulating the Madani Budget 2.0 which will be tabled this October.

“I ask for input and criticisms from the academics, I am okay, I don’t have any problems with this,” said Anwar who is also finance minister.

“This is because I want us to work together as a team so that there is a clear synergy between universities and the government,” he said.

He said the second Madani Budget by the Finance Ministry will comprise of all contributions from the ministry, government, public universities and private sector.