KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 — Electoral watchdog Bersih today urged federal ministers not to use the government’s assets as tools to campaign in the six state elections as it is unfair to their political rival candidates.

The non-governmental outfit that has been monitoring activities in the run-up to polling day on August 12 cited the recent use of government helicopters by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail to visit a Felda settlement in Kedah.

“We feel the use of government assets for campaigning is unfair and ministers and the federal government shouldn't mix official government work with campaigning.

“If used for campaigning, these extra costs like gas and oil for these helicopters and government vehicles should be borne by the user and the payment should be made public as a matter of principle.

“In addition, politicians shouldn't use these vehicles to show off or act like they own them, bought them with their own money. Such arrogant behaviour displayed by the prime minister will only come back to him in the future,” Bersih said in a statement.

Bersih also called on the government and the Opposition to speed up legislation to limit the use of government assets for personal or non-government related activities.

Anwar's use of the government helicopter was called out by Kedah caretaker menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor from PAS.

In reply, the Pakatan Harapan chairman said that he is allowed to use the government aircraft in his capacity as prime minister.