KUALA LUMPUR, July 31 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) asset procurement system revamped to ensure outside parties can no longer rake in excessive commissions.

He said the revamp must be done as the preparedness of national defence asset equipment, such as ships, aircraft and tanks, is not coordinated and in line with the economic growth and Malaysia’s geopolitical and strategic position.

“Why I choose to mention this to all of you is because for veterans, for the military and, of course, for all of us, the country’s preparedness in the field of defence is an important matter.

“So, we suggest to the military leadership to revamp the procurement system, there can be no more interference from outside parties.


“The chiefs of staff are responsible for choosing the best warships, aircraft, tanks and other equipment and not repeat the same mistakes, stealing through excessive commissions that our equipment cannot provide a solid defence,” he said. — Bernama
