PUTRAJAYA, July 22 — Elements of knowledge, manners and good morals are essential in Muslim society to avoid tension arising from differences of opinion, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.

In order to nurture those elements among the Muslims, Anwar said his Unity Government regularly invites renowned scholars from across the country and abroad to share their knowledge through religious gatherings.

He said history proves the importance of these elements during the time of Prophet Muhammad when preparations were made before his migration from Makkah to Madinah in 622 CE.

“These principles, if neglected, can lead a society to become crippled and subject to arbitrary rule. That’s why we (the government) emphasise the importance of education and allocate funds for Islamic studies,” he said at the launch of the National Sahih Al-Bukhari programme here today.

Anwar stressed that Muslims should delve into the Islamic teachings and history to understand the struggles of Prophet Muhammad and his companions during various significant events in Islam, as an effort to avoid divisions due to differences of opinion.

As such, the Prime Minister said he had asked the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) to translate the Kitab Adabul Insan Fil Islam (Book of Good Manners of a Human Being in Islam) for free distribution.

Anwar said he had also asked for the book, Adab Perbezaan Pendapat (The Ethics of Disagreement), by Sheikh Taha Jabir Fayyad al-Awani to be republished by Jakim as part of the efforts to avoid divisions and loss of manners due to differences of opinion.

At the event, Anwar also presented the letter of appointment as an Adjunct Professor of the International Islamic Civilization Institute and Honourary Fellow of the Tun Ghazali Shafie Strategic Leadership Institute to the Grand Mufti of India and Founder of Jamia Markaz University, Kerala, India, Al-Allamah Sheikh Abu Bakar Ahmad.

The Prime Minister also witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Universiti College of Yayasan Pahang and Jamia Markaz University.

The Sahih Al-Bukhari knowledge-sharing programme began at 2pm with two lectures by the Mufti of Federal Territories Datuk Prof Madya Luqman Abdullah and Egypt President’s Religious Advisor Sheikh Usamah Sayyid Al-Azhari.

Approximately 3,000 people attended the event at the Putra Mosque here, which ended with Isyak prayers led by Putra Mosque’s senior assistant director (Education Unit) Abdul Karim Zakaria. — Bernama