KUALA LUMPUR, July 9 — Federal Territories Gerakan chief Datuk Lau Hoi Keong has suggested that the party consider exiting the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition after next month’s six state elections, news portal Malaysiakini reported today.

Hoi Keong said he only temporarily backs the idea for Gerakan to be in PN alongside Bersatu and PAS, which is the stance of incumbent president Datuk Dominic Lau.

“At this moment, yes. At this stage, yes (remaining in PN). After the state elections, everything is unknown,” Hoi Keong was quoted as saying after filing his candidacy yesterday to be the next Gerakan president for the 2023-2026 term.

Hoi Keong said that internal changes will see young successors groomed to prepare for the 16th general election.


“When I talk about dual tracks, the internal track is within our party.

“The external track, as I mentioned earlier, is the position, role, and positioning within the PN coalition,” he was quoted as saying.

Gerakan will be holding its internal election on July 15 even as the party prepares for the August 12 state elections involving Selangor, Penang, Negeri Sembilan, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.


Incumbent president Dominic has confirmed defending his post and will be facing two other challengers apart from Hoi Keong; they are incumbent vice-president Datuk Seri Michael Gan Peng Lam, and former secretary-general Datuk Liang Teck Meng.

Gan and Liang were reported saying Gerakan will remain as a component party in the PN coalition if either of them is elected as president.

“Any discussions and (state election) candidates will be maintained,” Gan was quoted as saying.

Liang said he too would not change anything if he wins the party presidency.

“Everything was negotiated by the current president and PN. Even if I am elected, everything will remain the same, without any changes.

“I don’t want this party to split. I have also spoken to Lau, and everything will be according to his plans, without any changes,” the former Simpang Renggam MP was quoted as saying.

It was not clear which Lau he was referring to since Dominic and Hoi Keong have the same surname.

Liang also affirmed that Gerakan will not seek to rejoin Barisan Nasional if he is elected as president.